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KCCF Disclosures

Knights of Columbus Charitable Fund is an independent nonprofit corporation that is recognized as a tax-exempt, public charity under Sections 501(c)(3), 509(a)(1), and 170(b)(1)(A)(vi) of the Internal Revenue Code.  Knights of Columbus Charitable Fund facilitates philanthropy through various charitable vehicles, including a donor-advised fund program.  All contributions made to Knights of Columbus Charitable Fund are irrevocable, non-refundable gifts. Once contributed, Knights of Columbus Charitable Fund has exclusive legal control over all contributed assets. Various entities affiliated with Knights of Columbus provide certain investment management and administrative services to Knights of Columbus Charitable Fund under investment management and services agreements. 

Knights of Columbus Asset Advisors serves as the investment manager of Knights of Columbus Charitable Fund, and the assets are invested in investment funds managed by Knights of Columbus Asset Advisors for which Knights of Columbus Asset Advisors receives a fee. This results in an additional fee, the amount of which depends on the management fee charged to, and the assets allocated to, each such investment fund. Investing involves risk. Market fluctuations may cause the value of assets held in a philanthropic vehicle, including a donor-advised fund, to be worth more or less than the value of the original contribution made by the donor.

Donors should carefully consider the information contained in the investment prospectus, or if available, the summary prospectus, for each investment fund, so that they can carefully consider the investment objectives, risks, charges, and expenses before making contributions or recommending investment of contributed funds. Nothing presented herein is intended to constitute tax, legal, or investment advice and no charitable contribution decision, grant recommendation, or investment recommendation should be made based on any information provided herein. Nothing presented herein should be construed as tax, legal, or investment advice to make a contribution or to recommend a specific investment or investment strategy for contributed funds. Neither Knights of Columbus Charitable Fund nor Knights of Columbus Asset Advisors guarantees investment performance of funds invested in investment funds managed by Knights of Columbus Asset Advisors; no inference to the contrary should be made.

Knights of Columbus Assets Advisor is an investment adviser registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission, and a wholly owned subsidiary of Knight of Columbus. KoCAA Form ADV Part 2 is available upon request.

The information provided is educational in nature and is not intended as legal, tax, financial, or other professional advice. Knights of Columbus Charitable Fund does not provide legal, tax, financial, and other professional advice. You should consult professional advisors concerning the legal, tax, or financial consequences of your charitable activities. KCCF does not provide tax advice to donors or sponsoring organizations of private label programs. While individuals who itemize may receive charitable deductions of up to 60% of adjusted gross income (AGI) for cash contributions and 30% of AGI for contributions of appreciated assets, each donor’s tax position is unique; therefore, donors must seek their own tax advice.

© 2024 Knights of Columbus Charitable Fund. All rights reserved.
Knights of Columbus Charitable Fund, 1 Columbus Plaza, New Haven, CT 06510